

The Aether Framework provides a robust and extensible mechanism for managing and generating outputs from various components. Outputs can range from task results and decision logs to knowledge graphs and decentralized data reports. This section outlines how outputs are handled, stored, and utilized within Aether.

Key Output Types

1. Task Results

  • Task results generated by agents are either stored locally, logged on the blockchain, or uploaded to IPFS for decentralized access.

  • Results can include:

    • Text analysis or summaries.

    • Images or visual data.

    • Computation outcomes.

2. Swarm Consensus Logs

  • Outputs from swarm decision-making processes are logged for auditing and transparency.

  • Includes:

    • Task proposals.

    • Voting results.

    • Final consensus decisions.

3. Knowledge Graphs

  • Visual representations of the relationships and entities stored in the knowledge graph.

  • Exportable as:

    • Graph image files (.png, .jpg).

    • Data files (.json, .csv) for external analysis.

4. Decentralized Reports

  • Agents generate reports or datasets that are uploaded to IPFS for secure and distributed access.

  • Reports can include:

    • Performance metrics.

    • Workflow execution summaries.

5. Blockchain Logs

  • Logs recorded on-chain for tasks and decisions.

  • Includes:

    • Task descriptions and results.

    • Transaction hashes for on-chain activities.


1. Saving Task Results

Agents can store task results locally or upload them to IPFS for decentralized storage.

# Save task results locally
task_result = "AI successfully analyzed the dataset."
with open("results/task_result.txt", "w") as file:

# Upload task results to IPFS
from src.utils.ipfs_client import IPFSClient
ipfs_client = IPFSClient()
cid = ipfs_client.upload_file("results/task_result.txt")
print(f"Task result uploaded to IPFS with CID: {cid}")

2. Logging Consensus Decisions

Swarm decisions are saved for transparency and further analysis.

from src.swarm.swarm_consensus import SwarmConsensus
swarm = SwarmConsensus(agent_id=1)

# Propose and log a task
proposal_id = swarm.propose_task("Optimize AI model training")
consensus = swarm.get_consensus()
if consensus:
    print(f"Consensus reached for proposal: {consensus}")
    with open("logs/consensus_log.txt", "a") as log_file:
        log_file.write(f"Proposal {proposal_id} reached consensus: {consensus}\n")

3. Exporting Knowledge Graphs

Visualize and export knowledge graphs to understand agent knowledge better.

from src.utils.knowledge_graph import KnowledgeGraph

# Initialize and add data to the knowledge graph
knowledge_graph = KnowledgeGraph()
knowledge_graph.add_concept("AI Agent", {"role": "worker"})
knowledge_graph.add_relationship("AI Agent", "Swarm", "belongs_to")

# Save the knowledge graph as an image

# Export the graph data as JSON

4. Generating Decentralized Reports

Upload agent-generated reports to IPFS for decentralized access.

# Generate a decentralized report
report_content = {
    "task": "Data analysis",
    "result": "Successful",
    "timestamp": "2024-12-28T12:00:00Z"

# Save the report locally
import json
with open("outputs/report.json", "w") as file:
    json.dump(report_content, file)

# Upload the report to IPFS
cid = ipfs_client.upload_file("outputs/report.json")
print(f"Report uploaded to IPFS with CID: {cid}")

5. Blockchain Task Logs

Log tasks and their results on the blockchain for transparency and verification.

from src.utils.blockchain_manager import BlockchainManager

# Initialize the Blockchain Manager
blockchain = BlockchainManager()

# Log a task on the blockchain
task_description = "Analyze solar energy consumption trends."
task_result = "Task completed successfully."
transaction_hash = blockchain.log_task(
print(f"Task logged on blockchain. Transaction hash: {transaction_hash}")

Best Practices for Managing Outputs

  1. File Management:

    • Organize outputs in structured directories (outputs/, logs/, etc.) for easy access.

    • Use standardized file names and formats for consistency.

  2. Decentralization:

    • Store sensitive data on IPFS to ensure availability and integrity.

    • Use blockchain logs for immutable task tracking.

  3. Data Privacy:

    • Encrypt outputs containing sensitive information before storage or upload.

    • Limit access to decentralized reports through private IPFS gateways.

  4. Auditability:

    • Maintain detailed logs of all task results, consensus decisions, and on-chain actions.

    • Use these logs for debugging, reporting, and compliance.

Common Issues and Solutions



FileNotFoundError: Missing outputs directory.

Create the directory before saving outputs (mkdir outputs).

IPFS upload failure.

Check IPFS client connectivity and retry the operation.

Blockchain log failure.

Ensure sufficient balance for transaction fees and verify RPC connectivity.

Last updated